

My family is supporting…

“My family is supporting Robin Saenger for Mayor because we believe she is the woman for the job at this time in Tarpon Springs history. We watched her faithfully serve the city previously as Vice Mayor and as the Founder of Peace4Tarpon an organization we believe in. Robin builds trust and has real conversations, offers solutions on tough issues and is a woman of peace. She is the essence of community and reminds us that we are never alone. Join us in supporting Robin.”
Joanne Reich

During my 32-year career…

“During my 32-year career with the Tarpon Springs Police Department I have worked with Robin Saenger as a Tarpon Springs Commissioner and Tarpon Springs Vice-Mayor.  Robin is a true professional who is smart, compassionate, and truly cares about Tarpon Springs. Robin is all about working with people to make Tarpon Springs a better place. In fact, Robin started Peace for Tarpon, which put Tarpon Springs on the map as the first Trauma-Informed City the USA. I have a great deal of respect for Robin. I know she will be an excellent Mayor and representative of the people of Tarpon Springs.”
Robert Kochen

Robin Saenger has experience…

“Robin Saenger has experience melded with vision: a perfect combination for being Mayor of Tarpon Springs.”
Carol Mickett and Robert Stackhouse

There are few people I know…

“There are few people I know who are as smart and compassionate as Robin.  She will make a wonderful Mayor.”
Eddie Hoffman

Robin is wise, caring, and dedicated…

“Robin is wise, caring and dedicated to her community. She is the best sister friend.”
Yumna Musa

I have known Robin for many years…

“I have known Robin for many years.
Her values, integrity, and service to her community have always been focused and consistent.”

Valantis Kouros 

One thing I admire about Robin…

“One thing I admire about Robin is her respect for the environment.  She understands developmental impacts and how building can be done with deference to the natural world – the importance of saving and planting native trees, restoring and maintaining the natural flow of water, and planning for sea level rise.”   
Barbara Hoffman

Robin has served full terms…

“Robin has served full terms as Commissioner and Vice-Mayor and her commitment to see a better Tarpon Springs is evident. Her selfless commitment to doing what is best for the city is clear. She has my vote!”
Jacob Karr

I have known Robin for many years…

“I have known Robin for many years. I could not think of a better person to lead Tarpon Springs with kindness, compassion, and vision.”
Maria Glinatsis

I appreciate you taking the time…

“I appreciate you taking the time to speak with me and for your show of support for the Tarpon Springs business community. Working together to make Tarpon Springs even greater.”
Rea Sieber

As a former City Commissioner, I know…

“As a former City Commissioner, I know what it takes to lead. Robin has the experience, character and integrity to lead Tarpon Springs into the future.”
David Banther

Hands down, Tarpon Springs needs fair…

“Hands down, Tarpon Springs needs fair, balanced, and compassionate leadership. Robin Saenger, with her acute business acumen and city expertise, is just the right candidate to lead Tarpon Springs into the
Lisa M. Sibley